List of Resources for a Timely, Peaceful Transition

  • If you do NOT want to linger in Advanced Dementia or another terminal illness…
  • If you DO want total relief from unending, unbearable pain and suffering…
  • If you also want to reduce the stress and suffering of your loved ones…
  • If you want a timely and peaceful transition that preserves your privacy and dignity, and avoids conflicts and delays if you are suffering…

Consensus of Substituted Judgment (Now Care Planning*)
For loved ones who can't make their own decisions now but would never want treatment to prolong their dying.

*When it's too late for Advance Care Planning.



Recent Articles

Opinion: Can you trust doctors to honor your end-of-life wishes? Here’s what to consider. San Diego Union-Tribune, June 2, 2021. Click here for article.

Physician-assisted dying requires caution. San Diego Union-Tribune, October 15, 2016. Click here for article.

What if your relative reaches the advanced stage of dementia without an effective Living Will? Click here for article

Complexities of Choosing an End Game for Dementia. Click here for article

Helping dementia patients avoid premature death. San Diego Union-Tribune, March 5, 2015. Click here for article.

Terman SA (2013) It isn’t easy being pink. Potential Problems with POLST Paradigm Forms. Hamline Law Review 36:2 177-211.

Stanley A. Terman (2013): Is the Principle of Proportionality Sufficient to Guide Physicians’ Decisions Regarding Withholding/Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment After Suicide Attempts?, The American Journal of Bioethics, 13:3, 22-24. 

We are conducting a number of research surveys; for example:
A Living Will

List of Resources (.pdf)

As an intensivist, I’ve lived this professionally for over 30 years, trying to help families understand what you have so eloquently written.

Robert L. Levine, M.D., Professor and Founding Chair Department of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, The Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine